My job is twofold: (1) Provide you with the information she needs; (2) Provide the client with a method for using the information to make decisions that are conscious, informed and deliberate.
My strong bias against the involvement of the court in family law matters must be disclosed. Some will view the court as their best resort. My goal is to prevent clients from being caught up in the judicial process by accident. If they do resort to court, it will be the result of an informed and deliberate decision.
I have no personal interest in what a consultation client decides to do. No matter what she decides it will not create work for me because of the terms of engagement, and I will not the professional responsible for trying to accomplish her goals on the terms she prescribes.
Included in the information provided is a description of the various options for managing a divorce organized as a spectrum. At one end are the non-invasive do-it-yourself tools. At the other end are the highly aggressive attorneys “who, for a substantial fee, will infuse your family system with the pathology from their own.”